The Top 10 Places in the World to Celebrate the New Year – 2019

Hours of fun and partying, then the anticipation as those last seconds’ countdown, and finally – “Happy New Year”, everybody kisses and sings ‘Auld Lang Syne’ as fireworks light up the sky.

New Years Eve is a unique occasion and one of the biggest nights out of the year, worldwide! There are various New Year celebrations all over the globe, and here are our top 10 places to head to for the start of 2012.

1.One of the first places on Earth to celebrate New Year is New Zealand

It’s certainly a far flung destination from the UK but a worthwhile experience for keen travellers. There are plenty of happening events to head to, so whatever party you attend to see in the New Year, you can be pleased knowing you’ve got into 2019 a whole 13 hours ahead of the folks back in the UK. New Zealand will also be enjoying a warm climate so that’s another great reason to head south.

2.Sydney in Australia will reach 2019 some 2 hours after New Zealand – still 11 hours before the UK

The gorgeous Sydney Opera house and Harbour Bridge offer visitors to Sydney Harbour the perfect backdrop for the huge fireworks display that lights up the sky, accompanied by music.

3.One city that loves to celebrate New Year is Tokyo, Japan – 9 hours ahead of the UK

Much of the services in the city shut down for the period but the celebrations last several days and the whole city comes alive. On New Year’s Day it is traditional to visit a shrine or temple, where you’ll find a very festive atmosphere. Be aware though that many tourist attractions and restaurants will be closed.

4.In Barcelona

Spain the traditional way to toast the New Year is to eat 12 grapes, one for each chime of the midnight bell. Like Tokyo, Barcelona also celebrates for several days, with parties all week, and on January 5th a ‘Three Kings Parade’ along the city streets.

5.Another hot spot in mainland Europe on New Year Eve in Paris

which is a great city to wander around as the last few hours of 2018 tick away. Then at midnight, take in the stunning Parisian skyline as the fireworks light up the Eiffel tower.

6.An hour after Paris, London’s fireworks kick off from the London Eye on the Thames

The cities river is lined with hundreds of thousands of keen onlookers who enjoy the 15 minute spectacle which is kicked off when Big Ben strikes midnight. If you rent a holiday apartment in London be sure to find one with a view over the city so you can enjoy some champagne with a private view of this romantic city.

7.5 hours behind the UK

New Yorkers come on to the streets and crowd into Times Square to see what has become a global symbol of New Years – the Times Square Ball in New York City. For the last-minute of the year the ball drops down its 77 foot descent, and on reaching the bottom it marks the start of the New Year. It’s believed that 1 billion people around the world watch the ball drop on television.

8.Orlando Florida

If you have kids and can keep them awake to midnight then Orlando Florida is a great place to take them, and you’ll enjoy it too. Head early to any of Orlando’s main theme parks and you’ll be set for a great day of fun followed by huge celebration and fireworks. Make sure you’re not late though as they close the parks to avoid overcrowding.

9.8 hours behind the UK is Las Vegas

An over the top oasis in the Nevada desert. They do everything big here, especially New Years eve. Head to the strip and you’ll be able to experience fireworks launching from 7 hotels, as well as other events such as this year’s big motorcycle stunt in which a man will jump a Boeing 747 on a motorcycle – at midnight. Plan where to be in advance as hotels and casinos will close their doors, and the crowds will make it hard to move around.

10.If you want to cling on to 2018 as long as possible, head to a holiday villa in Hawaii, 10 hours behind the UK

You can spend a whole day watching the rest of the world celebrate New Year, before finally experiencing it for yourself on one of the most tropical and wonderful places on earth.

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